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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Answers To Your Beauty Dilemmas

Beauty Junkie Corner has answered some beauty questions from our readers. Read the answers and learn useful tips and tricks that will help you out ...

1. Is it possible that my face became immune to the cleaning products that I use for months? No. But if you think that products you have used a long time doesn't have tha same effect, it is because the skin has different requirements for different seasons. During the summer months, the skin secretes more fat and therefore you need to use a cleaner that matts skin (try Avon Liiv rejuvenating Botanicals Cleanser).

2. I like to curl my lashes, but curler breaks and damages them. What should I do? Try the following trick: replace eyelash curler with the plastic spoon. Maybe this sounds funny to you, but it can achieve the same effect, and lashes will not be damaged. Curl lashes up and press them with the inside of a spoon. Hold a few seconds, then apply mascara.

3. I go to the beach with makeup on, is it bad? There's nothing wrong if you check the textures that are used on the face. Avoid creamy makeup that on the sun will melt faster than ice cream. Light lip gloss, waterproof mascara and eye shadow in natural earth tones are what you need. Try L'Oreal Made for Me Naturals pallets for blonds or brunettes.

4. My eyebrows brighten and get a yellowish color on the sun! How to prevent this? Just like hair, eyebrows can change the pigment. The only way to stop this is to apply a cream with a protective factor that prevents the effect of UV rays. We suggest you choose a product in a stick because it won't gleam like cream.In addition, the wax will define and fix the eyebrow hairs. However, if you change the color, color them with the pencil in your natural color.

5. How often should I apply sunbathing milk on the beach? Dermatologists have come to the magic formula which can calculate the effect of protective factors. For example, if you have a bright and sensitive skin you can spend just five minutes in the sun without protection. With SPF 20 this is extended. But do not rely too much on this because some products are not sufficiently resistant to light and water. So each time after exiting the water, wipe the skin and apply a new layer.

6. Why do I have scab after every zit? Scab occurs when the skin is in any way damaged. If you have a nasty habit of touching each pimple, you have to bear the consequences and put up with a scab on your face. So, if need, you tie your hands, but do not do it. The damage is already done? Then do not twitch scab because you will have a scar. Instead, apply a little antibacterial concealer for pimples. Try Avon Blemish Stick.

7. How to apply blush without looking like a clown? To start forget the blush in stone. Leave this to the pros and go with the creamy structures. They are easier to smudge and act naturally or use a blush in the balls. Do not apply it just on the cheekbones, but go over the temples, forehead and nose as well. Important: Never go overboard with the blush because you can only achieve the opposite effect.

8. Can I visually increase eyes with makeup? Off course. Especially with beige eye shadow. First put eyeshadow on the entire eyelid and highlight the inner corner of eye. Then apply eye shadow on a thin line below the eye. Slight smudge with your finger and finish with a mascara. Even better solution is eyeshadow in pencil - a few strokes and your eyes will become a lure for men.

9. What about when I go out but I don't have the time to wash my hair, and I want to smell nice? This time perfume for hair will solve the problem. Unlike ordinary, it does not contain alcohol and won't dry out hair. But make sure that the perfume for your hair is the same or similar to the one applied to the body. Otherwise, you will be an explosion of smell.

10. Whenever I color my hair, I have color all over my forehead. Can I somehow protect the skin? Just apply lip balm on the skin. It will create a protective layer and save you from distressful color removing. If you do not have lip balm, a face mask or moisturizer will serve as well. It is important just to rub it well and hair color will no longer be a nightmare.

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