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Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Millionaire Murderer Next Door

From the Independent
a view of the
Wealthy, quiet, unassuming: the Christmas Day bomb suspect

Like the 9/11 terrorists, this guy wasn't from the underbelly of some 3rd world Moslem country. Abdulmutallab, 23, had lived a gilded life, and, for the three years he studied in London, he stayed in a £2m flat.
Abdulmutallab's father, Umaru, is the former economics minister of Nigeria. He retired earlier this month as the chairman of the First Bank of Nigeria but is still on the boards of several of Nigeria's biggest firms, including Jaiz International, a holding company for the Islamic Bank. The 70-year-old, who was also educated in London, holds the Commander of the Order of the Niger as well as the Italian Order of Merit.
And here's Mark Steyn on the subject
So once again we see the foolishness of complaceniks who drone the fatuous cliches about how "in this struggle, scholarships will be far more important than smart bombs". The men eager to self-detonate on infidel airliners are not goatherds from the caves of Waziristan but educated middle-class Muslims who have had the most exposure to the western world and could be pulling down six-figure salaries almost anywhere on the planet. And don't look to "assimilation" to work its magic, either. We're witnessing a process of generational de-assimilation: In this family, yet again, the dad is an entirely assimilated member of the transnational elite. His son wants a global caliphate run on Wahhabist lines.
Do you think that he went to a strip club too before he embarked on his mission to meet his 72 virgins?

And how about this man of action, Jasper Schuringa?

Yeah, and I'm kinda in love with him
Watch his inverview on CNN via Huffpo

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