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Sunday, October 18, 2009

trend: clogs (cokli)

Clogs are back. Chanel’s 2010 Spring/Summer collection featured high heeled clogs in colors like black, white, and red.

I really don't like them. I am 99% positive I'll skip this trend. Like I did with crocs. It's just not my style..

Do you like these shoes?
It was around 10 years ago, when I had one of those. I cried in a shoe shop untill my mum bought me a pair of those. :D But you know - I was young and stupid :DDD

MK and Shenae Grimes are crazy about clogs. :>

Tale trend bom verjetno kar preskočila. Ko sem bila še majhna so bile moderne. Takooo sem si jih želela in tudi dosegla, da mi jih je mami kupila (jokala sem na Šuštarskem sejmu :D ). Danes pa mi niti malo niso všeč.. Stare pa so itak že davno nazaj romale v smeti.

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