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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mariner's Medical Arts and Mission SJC updates

Architect John Linnert sends an update on the endangered Mariners Medical Arts building (1963, Richard Neutra). Here are some excerpts:
"The City of Newport Beach and its politicians... believe that tax dollars generated from a new building are more valuable to the community than saving an internationally significant historical and cultural icon. Therefore, even when the EIR (Environmental Impact Report) comes back and says to 'save' the... complex, [they] will find a way around it and let the present owner, John Bral, demo the building or at the very least approve some sort of catastrophic addition as a "compromise." ...[At the moment,] Bral is not interested in selling... A couple of parties have expressed an acute interest in purchasing and maintaining/restoring the property. John Bral needs to be persuaded/convinced to sell..."
The rectory garden magilla at Mission San Juan Capistrano reached another stage this week, with the City telling the Mission to leave the unpermitted patio garden as-is. The Council's argument was that removal of the patio would further damage the early Indian cemetery that lies beneath it. Appeals are already in the works. An article in today's Register provides more details.

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