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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Anaheim, Newport Beach, UCI, and monkeys

Today's photos show DeGroff's Delicatessen and market in Anaheim in 1949. Maybe some of you will have a memory or two of this place?
There's been another step in the right direction for the endangered Mariner's Medical Arts complex. Jaime Murillo, Associate Planner for the City of Newport Beach writes, "...The final draft of the assessment, prepared by Chattel Architecture, is now online... After discussing the findings of the report and the historical significance of the building with staff, the property owner (Westcliff Investors, John Bral, managing partner) is cooperating fully with the City to preserve the original building, including an extensive redesign of the proposed project to do everything possible to preserve and protect this important structure. Staff will continue to work with the property owner to assist in developing an alternative plan that would allow a minor addition to the original building, designed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, while preserving and rehabilitating the original structure."
The lobby of UCI's Langson Library currently features an exhibit entitled "Immigrant Lives in the OC and Beyond." It features a number of books, documents and other items from the Library's collection that deal with immigrant populations throughout the history of Orange County. The exhibit will be up through late April.
In case you missed it, the Register recently featured an article about the Santa Ana Zoo's monkeys. Why is this mentioned on a blog about local history? Because the cantankerous Judge Prentice originally donated the land to the city with the stipulation that the zoo always house at least 50 monkeys. Almost 60 years later, Prentice's decendants have found the zoo to be two monkeys short and are suing. Sheesh!

Friday, January 30, 2009

kim kardashian Candid Hot Pictures In Street

kim kardashian

kim kardashian

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Peek-a-boo! Triumph International Lingerie Show At India Fashion Forum

Triumph International Lingerie

Triumph International Lingerie

Triumph International Lingerie

Triumph International Lingerie

Pics At Peek-a-boo! Triumph International lingerie. Top models displays a lingerie creation from the Triumph International spring/summer lingerie collection 2009 at the India Fashion Forum 2009 in Mumbai on January 27, 2009.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Orange County Herald

Today's image is an advertisement for the Orange County Herald newspaper. This ad was printed in the 1901 Orange County Directory, which undoubtedly was an example of the Herald's "job printing of all descriptions." The quality of the printing was better than the image above would indicate. I've only posted a photograph of a photocopy of the original ad.
The Herald was established by Napoleon "Nap" Donovan as The Santa Ana Herald in April 1878. Donovan soon turned it over to James Layman, beginning a long history of ever-changing managment and ownership. In 1880 the Herald was purchased by Santa Ana pioneer Jacob Ross. Then, in Nov. 1881, James Alonzo Waite became publisher.
In Turn The Rascals Out!, historian Jim Sleeper writes, "Two things in life bothered Alonzo: Santa Ana farmers who didn't grow tobacco when it was bringing two-bits a pound and Republicans anywhere."
Waite remained until his death in the late 1880s, and was succeeded by his son, Ed. The paper was sold to Rev. A.T. McDill in July 1890 and switched to a Republican bent just in time for the elections. In addition to its politics, the paper also changed its name to The Orange County Herald.
In 1892, McDill sold the Herald to H.W. Bessac of Los Angeles and the curiously named Ransom Q. Wickham of Santa Ana. One year later, it sold yet again, to Linn Shaw and E. S. Wallace. It appears the paper went defunct under their watch in 1903.
[Most of this information came from Jim Sleeper's invaluable, Turn The Rascals Out!, and from J.M. Guinn's Historical and Biographical Record of Southern California.]

Monday, January 26, 2009

History at Fullerton Public Library

This book case housed the original Fullerton Public Library. It sat in William Starbuck's Gem Pharmacy on the southeast corner of Commonwealth and Spadra (Harbor) Blvd from 1888 to 1902. Eventually, of course, the library grew into the excellent system it is today. Meanwhile, the old cabinet is now housed on the fourth floor of Fullerton's Main Library, next to the Albert Launer History Room.
I stopped by the Launer Room today to search for a few old photos. It's a small but really wonderful collection of materials, from photos and maps to directories and local history books. Librarian Cathy Thomas is extremely helpful, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. And some of her regular patrons are also quite helpful on questions of Fullerton history. (Thanks, Joe!)
If you haven't visited, please do so. And when you do, take special note of their framed map of "Orange County Adobes,... Trails, Ranchos & Springs" (similar to this one) above Cathy's desk. I'm going to ask Santa Claus for one of those next Christmas.

~ ~ On DBSK 's steps + HAPPY V-DAY ~ ~

New piccies from Gimpo Airport ^^v

why the long face max?no valentine for u?

yoboseyo?yah jae boo pali wa and come home!
i'm waiting!!!!

*checks phone..
"dammit,no message! tt_tt"

jalgya be patient i'm commin'

"lucky bastards they all have valentines :(("

"eh well...lucky next year"!

ehhh!!!!!?? i got a message!!!
:"chunnie dear i'm waiting for u to come home,mommy loves you"

[FANCAM] 090213 DBSK in Kimpo Airport (back in Korea)

oh and btw Happy Valentine's Day...whatever! have fun


Oh remember i promised some pictures from our trip:) well..here they are
i made some collages with places that we and dbsk visited^^well...ofcourse they visited it before us and we visiter after but that is less important xD


at the Universal Studious in West Hollywood California

Universal Studios entrance(DBSK/KITY/LELIS/DBSK ^_^)

well actually..this is not the same shark..we took the picture at universal studio in U.S and their pic is at the universal studio from Japan but still..

L.A LAX Airport:) where they were expected by so many fans ^^
see the "L.A loves TVXQ" pancard? kekee yeap we've been there too,with the limo and all

Weho Walk of Fame,we walked on the same stars and took pictures at the same places:P

This one is at the Kodak Theatre on walk of fame,been there done that xD


hehe micky took a pic with mickey's star ,classic!:))

hehe Hero took a picture with Bruce Lee's star.I could've sworn he will choose that one:)
we have picture with the star too but i cant find it right now:)

Yuhno at Sephora Mall,Walk of fame
and us at the same Mall

TVXQ 1st Photo Book - 14

Lelis and Kity@ City Walk/Hard Rock Cafe

they have a pic at city walk too if u look carefully its the second one with the giant guitar^^
TVXQ 1st Photo Book - 15

DBSK at the Chinese Theatre
TVXQ 1st Photo Book - 23

and us at the CHINESE THEATRE

OH AND B4 I GO ...

Love Letter Narrated by Micky Yoochun (of TVXQ DBSK)

[MusicWave Perf] Xiah Junsu- Beautiful Thing

credits:to kity and lelis who took the pictures and as tagged for the dbsk piccies^^v